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We believe that all children deserve to have the same opportunities to learn and build confidence. That’s why we provide music education to students from underserved communities who might otherwise never know the power that music education has to transform their lives.

Our students


When Shawn first joined the program, he had no musical experience and was a beginner to the world of music.

Thanks to The Hammer Band and its gift of music, Shawn has become a well-rounded and confident student who is proud to play his instrument and perform at home, school and venues all over Toronto!


Shekinah was born in the Philippines and moved with her family to Canada in 2009. At first, when starting lessons at age five, she did not like the violin.

Now, she cannot imagine life without music. Since joining The Hammer Band a few years ago, she now plays both violin and viola. We are proud of you Shekinah!

Half as many children in poorer communities with lower parental education participate in music programs compared to wealthier communities1.
The act of playing a musical instrument is mentally stimulating and can also strengthen your fingers, hands, arms, shoulders, neck, back, and abdominals2.
1. People for Education, Arts Education, 2018
2. The Health Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument, University of Alberta, 2021

You have the opportunity to provide The Hammer Band kids with the experience of a lifetime through the gift of music.

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With your continued support since 2007, more then...

Students have taken
part in our program.
Concerts have been
Children will participate
each school year.
Schools will be engaged
in our program.


We wanted to share with you this special welcome we received from the then Liberal Party Leader Justin Trudeau, before he became our Prime Minister!


A Successful Summer!
The Hammer Band Summer Jam 2020 was a huge success. Over the 8-week Summer program, we had nearly 200 students participating in online classes and lessons. We also hosted a weekly zoom party where we had 50 students in one virtual session taught by a different Hammer Band teacher each week. In these parties we Read More…
From a Grateful Teacher:
Being one of the fortunate schools and teachers whose students receive violin lessons through The Hammer Band program, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! The Hammer Band, its teachers and its program make a difference to each and every child who is given an opportunity to explore the world from a musical Read More…
A Thankful Parent
Thank you for giving my son the opportunity to learn violin!  He has wanted to play the violin since he was 4 yrs old.  We thought it would pass (like, just a phase) but his interest never waned.  So, this grade 4 year has been ‘a dream come-true’ for him! Thanks for your service and Read More…
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